Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day at the Farm......

Gracie and her friends at Preschool went to a local farm to see all of the baby animals!! As you can see they had great big friendly greeter.

Even the baby cow came out to see them, or was it to eat?

I am sure it was a little of both. They were the cutest things ever. I love it!!
Look how much fun. Do you think that Jon would let me bring one home?
NO? It would be a great babysitter. Even Payson got in the action.
Well okay, even though they are sweet and cute, they can stay on the farm. I am talking about the animals at the farm and not the animals that live at my house.


Caythlin said...

so sweeeet :-)

Gruß aus Deutschland :-)


Lacy said...

I loved it when marie had a weiner baby calf we could feed. That was the best!
Did you let them suck your fingers?

Keith, Heidi and Drew said...

Okay I want to know why people that live in the country has to take their children to the farm? They look like they ahd a great time. It is really fun seeing the baby animals. Love you,